Landing WIP features to the Editor's Draft spec early


Based on my experience, landing "work in progress" (WIP) features to the Editor's Draft (ED) early is often useful for soliciting wider feedback. A concrete case at hand would be:

Anecdotal evidence shows people may read the ED spec but never look at the GitHub repo where the WIP items are being baked. We miss valuable feedback this way.

Since an Editor's Draft spec is "work in progress" by definition such WIP features in the spec should always link back to the relevant issue in GH issues to make it as easy as possible for people to send feedback to the right place. If concerns are raised, we can always revert the changes.

Note that this does not mean we should start landing experimental ideas early, rather it means ideas that have wider consensus, but are not yet fully polished, should land early.

All - please let me know if you have any concerns with this proposal.


-Anssi (WG chair)

Received on Wednesday, 25 February 2015 10:07:55 UTC