Re: Invitation to join PING call on Thursday 13 August 2015

Great, many thanks Anssi.

Yes, anyone who is interested in joining the call would be most welcome.

We included a pointer to your earlier email to PING for the call. It’s a really good starting point for a discussion. Thanks again.


> On 12 Aug 2015, at 2:47 pm, Kostiainen, Anssi <> wrote:
> Hi Christine,
>> On 05 Aug 2015, at 11:36, Christine Runnegar <> wrote:
>> Colleagues,
>> Thank you for kindly offering to discuss privacy considerations concerning the Presentation API with PING.
>> Special thanks to Anssi. 
>> Apologies for the confusion about the time. Anssi, we hope you can still join us.
> Thanks for the invitation. The time work for me. Other WG members are also free to join depending on their availability and preference.
> As a background material to the agenda topic 3. Presentation API, these are the four privacy-related issues for which the WG is seeking feedback and guidance from PING:
> [[
> 1. Private mode browsing for the presenting context
> 2. Fingerprinting and screen availability monitoring
> 3. Security and privacy considerations
> 4. Rejecting the Promise when user cancels the screen selection
> ]]
> The longer descriptions of these issue are at:

> Thanks,
> -Anssi (WG chair)
>> ----
>> Here are the call details and draft agenda. We hope you can join us.
>> Thursday 13 August 2015 at UTC 16 (6 pm in Geneva)
>> Time:

>> Call details:
>> We will be using Webex and IRC
>> Webex details:
>> Link:

>> Telephone number: 617-324-0000
>> Meeting number: 642 381 506
>> Password (if needed): ping
>> IRC details:
>> Please also join us on IRC in the #privacy room.
>> Server:
>> Username: <your name>
>> Port: 6665 N.B.: not the default IRC port!
>> Channel: #privacy
>> Draft agenda:
>> 1. Welcome and introductions
>> 2. Geofencing API (introduced by Giri from the Geolocation WG) [1]
>> 3. Presentation API (introduced by Anssi from the Second Screen WG) [2]
>> 4. Draft TAG security and privacy questionnaire
>> 5. AOB
>> PING Fingerprinting guidance [3] 
>> Battery Status API [4]
>> Private browsing mode
>> Clear Site Data [5] 
>> Scheduling a time to discuss header enrichment
>> Christine and Tara
>> [1]

>> [2]

>> [3]

>> [4]

>> [5]


Received on Wednesday, 12 August 2015 13:56:28 UTC