RE: WebVMT Status Update


3.i) I suggest you approach Gobe Hobona about registering the MIME types first with the OGC Naming Authority as a precursor to registering with IANA. OGC has had some recent IANA experience and is fine tuning the process.

3.ii) How about contacting the Chair of the SVG WG, Amelia Bellamy-Royds<>?
SVG2 is meant to be backward compatible with SVG 1.2, but modularised, with some modules actually being part of CSS and other W3C standards. Unfortunately, fill and stroke are here still a FPWD. And it is CSS Level 3.

What’s the problem? (I lurk on the SVG WG)


From: Rob Smith <>
Sent: 15 May 2020 15:13
Subject: WebVMT Status Update

1. Progress Made
    i. Presented WebVMT to Full Motion Video to Moving Features [1] task kick-off meeting on 7th April 2020 in OGC Testbed-16 [2].
    ii. Participated in weekly progress calls for OGC Testbed-16 FMV to Moving Features [1] task as an Observer.
    iii. Continued development of Android app in preparation for publishing on Google Play store.

2. Next Steps
     i. Create mapping between WebVMT and MISB 0903 [3] VMTI metadata for OGC T16-FMV [1] task.
     ii. Publish Android app on Google Play store.
     iii. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.

3. Help Requested
    i. Guidance on how best to register a MIME file type [4] for WebVMT through IANA.
    ii. Advice on how to handle ‘stroke' and ‘fill' properties using CSS, similar to SVG [5], or who to contact about this.






Received on Tuesday, 19 May 2020 16:56:07 UTC