Re: Updated agenda for Amersfoort F2F

Hi Peter,

Le 20/02/2018 à 18:29, Rushforth, Peter (NRCan/RNCan) a écrit :
> Thank you for the offer to incubate MapML.  I would like to know more
> about the process – do you have a link for reference?  I would ideally
> like MapML to become a joint standard by the W3C and OGC members. In the
> mean time, the Maps for HTML Community Group is open to the public, so
> can we proceed there?

There may be a slight misunderstanding here. The Spatial Data on the Web 
IG did not offer to "incubate" MapML. You're already incubating MapML in 
OGC and in the Maps for HTML Community Group, that's good, please 
continue there! The Spatial Data on the Web IG is not trying to take 
control over MapML in particular!

What the Spatial Data on the Web IG is interested in is assessing with 
you the timing for standardization at OGC and/or W3C. That's the reason 
why the group added MapML to its "funnel", to keep track of progress, 
periodically re-assess where things are, recommend possible actions, and 
help with standardization group chartering if we get to that.


Received on Wednesday, 21 February 2018 10:37:22 UTC