[Minutes] SDW IG Inaugural Call - 2017-10-25

Hello Spatial Data on the Web fans,

The draft minutes of today's inaugural call are available at:


... and copied as raw text below. Please let me know if you notice things that need fixing in these minutes. I'm afraid my computer decided to drop from the call and freeze near the end of the call, so I missed a good 5 minutes of the call. Thanks Chris for stepping in and taking minutes!


Spatial Data on the Web Interest Group Inaugural Call
25 October 2017

   [2]Agenda [3]IRC log

      [2] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sdwig/2017Oct/0005.html
      [3] http://www.w3.org/2017/10/25-sdw-irc


          Andrea_Perego, Bill_Roberts, Chris_Little,
          Cindy_Mitchell, Clemens_Portele, Clemens_Portele,
          Danh_Le_Phuoc, Ed_Parsons, Evangelos_Kalampokis,
          Francois_Daoust, Joseph_Abhayaratna, Jeremy_Tandy,
          Krzysztof_Janowicz, Linda_van_den_Brink, Michael_Gordon,
          Peter_Rushforth, Raul_Garcia_Castro, Armin_Haller


          Jeremy, Linda

          Chris, Francois


     * [4]Meeting Minutes
         1. [5]Preamble
         2. [6]Introductions
         3. [7]What is an Interest Group
         4. [8]W3C and OGC bravely work together again
         5. [9]Spatial Data on the Web IG Charter
         6. [10]SDW IG activity at TPAC
         7. [11]Next meeting

Meeting Minutes


   Jeremy: Patent policy warning seems not needed here, since the
   IG will not develop technical specifications covered by the W3C
   Patent Policy (i.e. no Recommendation)

   Chris: One little topic I'd like to discuss is building
   ontologies to sit on top of the Time Ontology.

   Jeremy: Noted.
   … Any other agenda item?

   [No other heard]


   Jeremy: One of your chairs. Met Office in the UK, usually.
   … I'm giving my time to participe in this group because spatial
   data underpins anything that we need to share in the
   environmental science.

   Linda: Work at Geonovum in the Netherlands. Was editor of the
   SDW Best Practices document.
   … I give up my time for this group because I want spatial data
   to reach a broader audience and I think standards are the way
   to go. Also want the OGC/W3C relationship to remain healthy.

   Francois: W3C Team contact for the group. Will help with the
   W3C Process.

   Andrea: Work at the JRC.
   … Main interest is moving forward the work we did on the Best
   … Interested in metadata. One of the things that I'd like to
   discuss is the work going on in the Dataset Exchange WG, who is
   working on an extension to DCAT.
   … Also, possible integration between geospatial data and
   statistics data.

   Bill: I know quite a lot of people in the call. I run a company
   called Swirrl, software for sharing geospatial data on the Web.
   … The predecessor SDW WG proved very useful to me to guide our
   … That's quite useful to have a document that states directions
   that are better than others to point people at.

   Chris: Work at the UK Met Office. I'm in the group because I
   think it might be fun! Also chaired a group in the OGC for
   several years. Also involved in the SVG WG at W3C (a bit
   … I'm interested in making geospatial data available across
   domains, because they are still in silos for now.

   Cindy: I'm with Natural Resources Canada. Followed the
   discussion in the WG. Interested in pursuing the mariage
   between socio-economical data and geospatial data.

   <Linda> Good to have Natural Resources Canada here!

   Cindy: I'm working with OGC, working on quality of service

   Clemens: Interactive Instruments in Germany. Software company
   active in OGC for a very long time. Also active in the Best
   Practices work in the predecessor group.
   … I'm trying to have some of the best practices reflected in
   the OGC standards right now.
   … I want the resource to remain up to date, that's my main
   objective here.

   Danh: AC rep of Technical University of Berlin in Germany. I
   participated in the WG, mostly working on SSN.
   … We do a lot of semantics for IoT and spatial data for moving
   objects (e.g. cars)
   … That's the reason why I participated in the incubation and
   standardization of SSN.

   Ed: From Google. I was, along with Kerry Taylor, the chair of
   the previous WG.
   … The WG delivered much more than I was expecting it to
   deliver, which is excellent! Congrats to W3C friends.
   … Being involved a lot in OGC, it's interesting to notice how
   much of an impact the Best Practices already have had. Kudos to
   … I think it's really important for us as a group to finish
   that work and build on it.

   Evangelos: Come from Greece. Work for CERTH.
   … I have been working on statistical data on the Web in the
   last few years, through EU projects.
   … I had the chance to work with Bill in one of these projects,
   to develop software tools to exploit statistical data from
   various sources.
   … We found interoperability issues across data portals.
   Different providers apply standards (e.g. RDF Data Cubes)
   … We came up with the idea of developing best practices.
   … We have already documented a preliminary set of best
   practices. That's the reason why I'm here, to progress the work
   that we've already done.

   Joseph: From PSMA Australia. Currently in the process of
   publishing spatial data on the Web following best practices, so
   I thought it would be good to join the group, possibly to
   provide feedback as we move forward with the publication.

   Jeremy: Feedback on the work in gold dust, so thanks!

   Jano: University of Santa Barbara. I was part of the incubator
   group that developed SOSA and SSN. Describing moving objects is
   a deliverable that I also proposed and that I'm happy to lead

   Michael: From Ordnance Survey. Senior Project Manager for
   digital platform.
   … The importance of this group for OS is clear as publishing
   data on the Web is the default now.
   … Also working in the geocoding working group in OGC, and
   sponsoring testbed activities in OGC, including work on
   describing moving objects.
   … Also a big fan of the SDW Best Practices, so I'll
   enthusiastically follow how that evolves.

   Peter: Natural Resources Canada, colleague of Cindy (although
   different location).
   … Started the Map for HTML Community Group at W3C. Developing
   MapML as part of the OGC testbed.
   … My interest is to check interest there.

   Raul: From UPM (Madrid). Working on ontologies.
   … Regarding the group, I'm interested in the modeling of
   spatial data.
   … My main interest is with sensor data, involved in SSN
   discussions. This is where I will put my limited time effort.
   … Also, my personal interest is alignment, co-existence between
   SSN, WoT work at W3C, ETSI work.

   Armin: From University in Australia. My computer was stolen, so
   on a phone right now ;)
   … I might sacrifice all of my mornings and evenings again as I
   did in the WG. Interest in describing moving objects. Some
   recent work on Augmented Reality.
   … I will probably just be an evangelist of the Best Practices,
   but that may change if I have a lot of time.
   … We will also continue on the SSN Primer which we're doing in
   … Currently doing a white paper which could serve as basis for
   the Primer.

   Jano: We even finished one on the SOSA part.

   Jeremy: Summarizing, we have a bunch of very useful
   motivations. And I also know that we have great skills here. We
   talked about finishing issues in the Best Practices, marrying
   social-economical data with geospatial data, scientific big
   data, best practices reflected in OGC standards, providing
   feedback about Best Practices as they get used, new approaches
   for moving objects.
   … I didn't mention everything, but a bunch of very useful
   things. As your chairs, Linda and I will do our best to
   coordinate the work!
   … Thank you to all of you, and to all of those who contributed
   to the Working Group previously!
   … It took some time, but I think that's worthwhile.

What is an Interest Group

   Jeremy: The primary goal is to bring together people. An IG is
   a forum for exchanging ideas.
   … We can update W3C Notes. We can create Best Practices. We can
   collect requirements, document our ontologies are being used.
   … But our group cannot create new standards.
   … No W3C Recommendation, no OGC Technical documents.
   … A little bit like an OGC Domain Group, roughly evaluate what
   work we should be doing, and then, if we feel things need to
   move on, we can spawn a new joint Working Group.

   <eparsons_> +1

   <billroberts> yep +1

   <AndreaPerego> +1

   <Michael_Gordon> +1

   <ChrisLittle_> +1

   <ClemensPortele> +1

   <PeterR> +1

W3C and OGC bravely work together again

   Linda: JWOC stands for the Joint W3C / OGC Committee.
   … It's meant as the place where OGC and W3C coordinate on
   standards that should be jointly developed.
   … In practice, JWOC operates as one group. In some cases, we'll
   convene as a W3C group, in other cases, as an OGC group.
   … You can join the group if you're a W3C Member or an OGC

   Jeremy: Essentially, it's the same thing, just different

   Linda: Right, and I think Scott was trying to change the name
   on the OGC side as well to match the W3C name. I do not know if
   that worked out.

Spatial Data on the Web IG Charter

   Jeremy: Can I just ask people whether they have read the

   <Michael_Gordon> +1

   <ClemensPortele> +1

   <Linda> +1

   <billroberts> +1

   <eparsons_> +1

   <AndreaPerego> +1

   <ChrisLittle_> +1

   <DanhLePhuoc> +1

   <PeterR> -1

   <RaulGarciaCastro> +1

   <kalampokis> +1

   Jeremy: Most people have read the charter, that is good.

   [12]SDW IG Charter

     [12] http://www.w3.org/2017/sdwig/charter.html

   Jeremy: Mission is to develop and maintain vocabularies and
   best practices that encourage better sharing of spatial data on
   the Web; and identify areas where standards should be developed
   jointly by both W3C and OGC. W3C/OGC groups tend to be given a
   limited time span. We have 2 years to do some work. If we
   demonstrate that we've done a good job, then we may request an
   extension, but note this is not an open commitment to run the
   group forever.

   <PeterR> looking at charter now...

   Francois: Noting the charter says that the group will meet at
   least twice per year, one time during W3C's TPAC (but not this
   year), and one time during one of OGC's four annual TC

   Jeremy: If you look at deliverables, there is a "maintenance"
   section that contains deliverables produced by the working
   … Also new specifications, which will all be Notes (remember,
   no Recommendation).
   … Statistical Data on the Web Best Practices, SSN Primer,
   Sensors & Observations Note, Describing Moving Objects.
   … We may add more deliverables in, but there's only so much
   that we can work on.
   … What I'm interested in is some indication about who's
   interested in which deliverable.

   Jeremy: Starting with Statistical Data on the Web Best

   <kalampokis> +1

   <ChrisLittle_> +1

   <billroberts> +1

   <cindymitchell> +1

   <KJanowicz> +1

   <DanhLePhuoc> +1

   <AndreaPerego> +1

   <RaulGarciaCastro> +1

   <Michael_Gordon> +1

   [Two +1 from Cindy and Joseph on WebEx chat]

   Bill: I'm +1 and also volunteering to do some editing on the

   Jeremy: Very well, thank you!

   Jeremy: Next on the list, SSN Primer

   <KJanowicz> +1

   <ChrisLittle_> -1

   <DanhLePhuoc> +1

   <RaulGarciaCastro> +1

   <KJanowicz> The same will apply for

   <KJanowicz> Armin

   [Armin is not on IRC, votes +1 through the phone]

   Armin: I might be the one who asked for the SSN Primer to be
   added to the Charter.

   Jeremy: who could take the lead amongst you?

   Armin: I can do it, it should not be that much work.

   <KJanowicz> I can if Armin has no time or I can give him a
   helping hand

   <RaulGarciaCastro> I can also help

   Jeremy: Sensors & Observations Note
   … Anyone interested in that?

   <ChrisLittle_> -1

   Linda: I am the one who put that on there. I won't be actively
   working on that myself, but I can get some colleague of mine to
   participate in this.

   <cindymitchell> possible +1, will confirm later

   Raul: I don't really understand what is the goal

   Bill: Pretty much the same question. Differences and overlaps
   with SSN Primer.

   Linda: What I would like is to have an overview of the
   difference sensors and observations standards that are
   available. OGC, W3C, and other community standards. I think
   it's a long list.
   … I'd like to see the positioning of each standard.
   … Are they complementary? Which part of the picture are they

   Jeremy: So SSN will definitely be in the list.

   <billroberts> for me, yes

   Raul: Theoretical analysis, or practical alignments?

   Linda: More theoretical.

   <RaulGarciaCastro> I am a +1 for those I participate/know

   <billroberts> I don't think I'll have time or skills to
   contribute to the SSN Primer or Sensors/Observations, but I'm
   very interested in the outcomes, so in favour of other people
   working on it :-)

   <ChrisLittle_> +0

   Jeremy: Do you have any timescale for this, Linda? Could we
   perhaps work on that through the SSN Primer and then extract it
   in a separate doc?

   Linda: Could work.

   Jeremy: OK. Moving objects

   <KJanowicz> +1

   <ChrisLittle_> +1

   <Michael_Gordon> +1

   <DanhLePhuoc> +1

   <KJanowicz> Armin+1

   Jano: I volunteer to lead this effort

   Jeremy: Also quickly going through the deliverables we did

   Jeremy: Spatial Data on the Web Best Practices
   … Who would like to take the lead on that?

   <Michael_Gordon> +100

   <ClemensPortele> +1

   <ChrisLittle_> +1

   <eparsons_> +1

   <AndreaPerego> +1

   <billroberts> +1

   Michael: I would be happy to.

   <billroberts> proposal: we overrun by a few minutes on this
   introductory call, because so much to cover today?

   <ChrisLittle_> +1

   <ChrisLittle_> scribing now

   <KJanowicz> Agree with Armin (also use the group for feedback)

   work on SSN Primer needs updating or issues with ontologies
   raised by communities, but nothing major


   for the Time ontology

   useful to identify the new Time ontology work on the mailing
   list, ditto for other topics, and creat work plans

SDW IG activity at TPAC

   Linda: any plans for TPAC?

   <Linda> [13]https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC/2017/

     [13] https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC/2017/SessionIdeas#Proposed_sessions

   Linda proposes to have SDWIG breakout group, reporting on
   progress and plans

   TPAC will be Burlingame (6-10 November 2017).

   Linda plans for a face2face meeting early in 2018

Next meeting

   How often should we meet?

   <tidoust> Jeremy: Meeting every month?

   <KJanowicz> +1

   <cindymitchell> -1

   <Michael_Gordon> +1

   <ClemensPortele> +1

   <PeterR> +1

   <eparsons_> +1

   <DanhLePhuoc> +1

   <AndreaPerego> +1

   <ChrisLittle_>+1 for plenary, more often for subgroups

   <tidoust> +1

   <cindymitchell> +1 chris

   <billroberts> +1

   Jeremy: There's nothing that stops sub-groups from meeting at
   other times and more frequently.

   Cindy: I'm folding with the majority, once per month is good if
   the group manages to make progress.

   Jeremy: Let's put in the calendar in about a month time.

   <PeterR> I would like to volunteer to brief this group on the
   objectives and status of the Maps for HTML initiative. Don't
   want to add deliverables yet, but would like to inform you.

   Jeremy: Thank you Peter, I hope you don't mind that we did not
   talk about that during this call. I propose to put it on the
   agenda for next call.

   <PeterR> Not at all!

   [call adjourned]

   <cindymitchell> thank you!!

   <Linda> bye

   <AndreaPerego> Thanks, and bye!

   Francois: than you for scribing and apologies for my attempts

   <ClemensPortele> bye!


   <RaulGarciaCastro> Bye!

   <cindymitchell> possible face to face March 2018 ogc tc in

   <PeterR> +1 Thank you François for scribing

Received on Wednesday, 25 October 2017 20:29:26 UTC