JWOC charter update

Dear all,

Thanks very much to everyone who has made suggestions for the JWOC 
charter. I have taken the following actions:

Removed any mention of 'Geosemantics Domain WG' - now left as a 'to do.' 
This is designed to make it clear that the the JWOC is not narrowly 
focussed on Linked Data.

In the list of deliverables, separated out the maintenance tasks from 
the new ones. Maintenance specifically applies to:

(data tiling mentioned as possible extensions to the latter two).

New documents are:

- Stat Best Practices
- SSN Primer
- Describing Moving objects

That last one is left very vague. It just says that we'll "... consider 
how best to support Web applications that generate or use data 
concerning moving objects." So it's wide open to interpretation as to 
how to proceed.

After the list, it also says that: the JWOC will assess the readiness of 
CoverageJSON for formal standardisation. That's all we're committing to 
here, not actually developing the spec. If the JWOC considers the time 
is right for formal standards track work, it is ideally placed to write 
and propose the charter (that's a key function of Interest groups at W3C 
and, I believe, matches DWGs at OGC).

So in response to Clemens - yes, the JWOC is a BP/Note writing group, 
but it can usually trigger standards WGs if needs be.

I also added a liaison to the OGC Mixed Reality Services WG and OGC DCAT WG.

Simon's comment about possible revision of O&M is also noted at the end 
of the deliverables section.

What's Next

If there are any more comments from the WG, please speak up pronto.

I'll now work with Scott and (W3C's) Wendy Selzter to begin the formal 
review processes.

NB - eagle eyed observers may note that I've made the start date 1 
August, which, in reality, is likely to be September, once northern 
hemisphere's buckets and spades are back in the garage for another year.



Phil Archer
Data Strategist, W3C

+44 (0)7887 767755

Received on Monday, 22 May 2017 14:36:28 UTC