SDW BP Glossary Issue 93: Hypermedia

There is no entry for Hypermedia.

There is no other  mention of hypermedia in the document, so I propose that we remove the glossary entry.

But there are plenty of mentions of "hyperlinks". Does it need an entry in the glossary? 

However, the Data on the Web Best Practices mentions hypermedia several times, but has NO mention of hyperlinks.

I think I would like to request the view of the W3C staff on this issue:

1. Do we go for consistency with DWBP and change all our references to 'hyperlinks' to 'hypermedia'? This strikes me as a lots of work for negligible benefit.

2. Do we add an entry for 'hyperlink'? Then we need a definition, such as I cannot find a technology independent definition on the W3C sites.

3. Do not have an entry for either. This is my preferred solution.


Chris Little
Co-Chair, OGC Meteorology & Oceanography Domain Working Group

IT Fellow - Operational Infrastructures
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Received on Thursday, 4 May 2017 13:30:07 UTC