Glossary Issues

Dear Linda, Jeremy and colleagues,

There are 10 highlighted items in yesterday's copy of the editors' draft of the Best Practice.

I will create several issues, grouping glossary items where appropriate into a single item. This should work better than one monolithic email at the end of today.

I will leave it to GitHub proficient people to post into GitHub when issues resolved.

The 10 items, plus Andrea Perego's hot off the press "Axis Order" are:

1. Coordinate Reference System

2. Dimension
3. Feature

4. Geohash

5. Geographic Information

6. Geographic Information System (GIS)

7. Open World Assumption (OWA)

8. Spatial Thing

9. Universe of Discourse

10. Well Known Text (WKT)

11. Axis Order

Now caffeinated and starting. Chris

Chris Little
Co-Chair, OGC Meteorology & Oceanography Domain Working Group

IT Fellow - Operational Infrastructures
Met Office  FitzRoy Road  Exeter  Devon  EX1 3PB  United Kingdom
Tel: +44(0)1392 886278  Fax: +44(0)1392 885681  Mobile: +44(0)7753 880514

I am normally at work Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday each week

Received on Thursday, 4 May 2017 09:02:38 UTC