Re: summary of open discussion threads for BP doc as input to plenary call 8-March-2017

Hi all, 
> Le 8 mars 2017 à 17:58, Krzysztof Janowicz <> a écrit :
> As far as the Anne Frank house example is concerned, I would be surprised to see an even-driven fire incident entity being defined samePlaceAs as a building. Instead, I would say 'ex:fireIncident-56a38 tookPlaceAt < <>>' or from an event perspective 'ex:fireIncident-56a38 involved < <> <>>' or ''ex:fireIncident-56a38 covered < <>>' (if the space is the key issue here), or  any other form of modeling the relation between the incidents and places. This seems way more useful to me than saying that the fire incident is the same place as the house; after all I want to say that the fire happened there not that they are the same.

Just asking…. What about using sameAs for more precise entities, for example rooms, apartments inside a big building? (*)
For example one could have:
 ex:gareDuNord a :Location. 
 ex:ShopInGardeDuNord :samePlaceAs ex:gareDuNord ?



(*) Apologize if I didn’t follow the original reason of having this property. 

Ghislain A. Atemezing, Ph.D 
R&D Engineer SemWeb
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Received on Wednesday, 8 March 2017 17:35:25 UTC