Structuring the discussion term by term in the Wiki

Dear all,

Because some of the Wiki pages contained more than one issue,
Because some new issues arise in the mailing list but do not have a
dedicated wiki page,

I proposed an update to the structure of the Wiki regarding SSN,

I hope this new structure makes it more easy to track our discussions and
their resolution, and to see what comes next.
Discussing these topics in order is fully in line with the proposed
integration methodology.
Shall we create separate ISSUEs in the tracker for each of these different
topics ?

Laurent, you wrote:
For all naming-related questions, please note that I reviewed the Actuators
and sensors: terminology and ontology landscape in February 2010 (and
the correct link to the wiki page with all the references is:

Could you please include any more specific comment to these new pages ?

Kind regards,

Received on Sunday, 26 February 2017 15:57:52 UTC