Dear BP editors,
This relates to eo-qb issue-107 and issue-100.
I have revised EO-QB to make reference to its application of best practices, you might like to have a look.
As I did it, I spotted a few places where BP might like to reference EO-QB as examples.
1. Balancing quality and cost
BP Encoding spatial data needs an example for "Balancing quality and cost." "For example, if using a Linked Data approach, one option is to keep all data in a triple store; but hybrid approaches are also possible, " ... This EO-QB could be the missing example, Say...
In EO-QB satellite imagery metadata is stored in a triple store but observational data is stored in HDF5 and served through DGGS and query processing middleware that materializes RDF triples only in response to a SPARQL query for them.
2.BP change over time
"Best Practice 6: Describe properties that change over time" I suppose EO-QB is an example of approach 3 "capturing a time-series of data values within an attribute of the spatial thing." Although in eoqb he spatial thing itself (earth surface) is never really mentioned... I suggest "EO-QB" should be added to the list of includings in the following (although it is not quite a standard itself, but it uses the RDF datacube standard to do it) "Standard data encodings are available for time-series data, including: [TIMESERIESML<>] for [GML<>], plus [COVERAGE-JSON<>] and [SENSORTHINGS<>] for JSON."
3. section 6
"Coverages: describing properties that vary with location (and time)" should reference EO-QB and COV-JSON.
Note that COV_JSON uses the domain/range/range metadata model explicitly whereas in EO-QB this model is obscured by the primary conceptualisation as a 3-dimensional Data Cube.
4. crossreferencing to UCR
BP doc should crossreference req from