coverage sub-group summary

Hi all

A brief summary of the coverage sub-group call last week: (minutes: <>)

- the group is working on criteria for evaluating potential solutions to identifying and delivering coverage extracts via the web: <> (still in draft form) - this will be aligned with and/or extend the existing UCR document

- we discussed the outputs the group should work towards:
 - a specification (to be a W3C TR)
 - a primer (a W3C note)
 - a test suite for the specification
 - example implementations 

- two groups: University of Reading and Australian National University are working on example implementations of representing coverage data on the web and we’ll learn from these as we work on the specification

Next meeting: 1300 UTC, Wednesday 18 May

Best regards


Received on Wednesday, 11 May 2016 10:50:05 UTC