OWL-Time FPWD discussion

My regrets for not making the meeting today – as previously indicated I’m not available for this midnight slot as I have a 6am the following morning, which should be recorded as ‘persistent regrets’ in the minutes ;-).

As Chris indicated, all the work on the draft until now is mine, though I haven’t really changed it for a month or so (except for tidying up a few nits identified by a couple of readers). I tried to trigger some contributions from Chris with some carefully laid traps in the current draft, but clearly he has had not had time to address these yet. Looking at the minutes it appears that Chris has committed to contributing at least some placeholder test by next week.

FWIW I’ve been using the OWL-Time myself in a couple of applications. All seems to work as expected – probably wouldn’t have elaborated a couple of the classes the way they are designed, but nothing harmful.


Received on Thursday, 23 June 2016 01:31:22 UTC