Deferred requirements in the UCR document

Hi all,

While updating the Use Cases and Requirements document I noticed the
section 'Deferred requirements'. The introduction of that sections says *"This
section lists requirements that are considered relevant for the group's
work, but will not be addressed in the current time frame.". *Currently the
section only contains one SSN requirement.

I keep wondering about the logic of having this section. If the deferred
requirements will not be addressed in the current time frame (I assume that
is the period of SDWWG activity), that would mean all the other *will* be
addressed. Do we really want to say that? I would be fine with the UCR
document listing all requirements and the other deliverables deciding for
themselves which requirements will be met and why. I think the decision of
deferring  meeting  a requirement is not one that should be made in the UCR
document, it should be made in the deliverables for which the requirements
are meant.

I will leave the section as it is now, but I would like to ask if there are
strong objections against removing the section and putting the SSN
requirement it contains back among the other requirements.


Received on Wednesday, 22 June 2016 09:38:19 UTC