SDW BP sub-group: no call this week (it's nearly Christmas!)


We're scheduled to have a SDW Best Practice sub group call tomorrow @
16:00utc ... but

1) Christmas is almost here
2) Many of you (not you - because you're reading this! the others...) are
already on holiday
3) We made great progress at the f2f meeting in London (and haven't yet had
time to act on that yet)

So. No call this week.

Just a quick status update. We voted at the f2f meeting to release another
WD of the BP, subject to a small number of minor (non-substantive changes).
Phil will have this with the W3C webmaster in the first week of January as
we're already in the publishing moratorium period.

Our plan for the BP sees three more WD iterations, each done in a 6-week
sprint; completing at end-Jan, mid-March and end-April. That gives a buffer
at the end until the WG terminates at end-June for tidy up and response to
feedback etc.

The plan for the iteration to end-Jan includes updates to:
- BP4 based on discussions at f2f and work in Geonovum test bed (Clemens to
- BP7 and BP14 based on discussions at f2f (Jeremy to lead)
- BP8 based on discussions at f2f wrt multiple geometries (leader?)
- section 7. CRS to make it "more friendly" (Ed to lead)
- BP 3 and BP18, possibly resulting in a merge (Byron to lead)
- overall document structure to bring BP summary closer to the top (Linda)
... and
- removal of BP17 "crowd-sourced spatial data", this is not specific to
spatial data
- create a plan for the remainder of the two iterations.

After mid-March we want to avoid any substantive changes (additions or

Ed will take a lead on making sure we have enough "outreach" and external

All that's left for me to say in 2016 is:
- a huge thank you from the BP editors for your contributions this year, and
- Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Jeremy, Linda and Payam.

Received on Tuesday, 20 December 2016 10:02:30 UTC