UCR snapshot uploaded to OGC portal

Phil has generated a snapshot of the UCR document, and inserted the 'For OGC' advice in the front matter, as agreed at this week's telecom. It has been allocated an OGC document number (15-074) and uploaded to the OGC portal here


For information of non-OGC initiates, this is the OGC member portal, access limited to OGC members. It is a pre-requisite in OGC that the document be made available here for a minimum of three weeks prior to adoption. However, under the OGC system revisions of a document get allocated document numbers with the form OGC YY-NNNrX (where X=1 for the first revision, counting up from there) and it is normal practice for minor revisions to be uploaded between the initial submission and the time of formal publication, with the latest snapshot being used as the published version.

The OGC Geosemantics DWG - which is the parent of the SDWWG in the OGC context - will now take the next steps towards publication. Under OGC rules this requires the assent of the OGC TC membership, which will be through an e-vote. This will take a few weeks to complete.

Simon Cox | Research Scientist
CSIRO Land and Water
PO Box 56, Highett Vic 3190, Australia
Tel +61 3 9252 6342<tel:%2B61%203%209252%206342> | Mob +61 403 302 672<tel:%2B61%20403%20302%20672>
simon.cox@csiro.au<https://vic.owa.csiro.au/owa/redir.aspx?C=Y8HMKTuUBkmbM97NjtDx5lGOnwxj1c9IdyRdGXbcQ8yykNtSsGHlgXUbOJN1bdSmnc9NFxd8E0M.&URL=mailto%3asimon.cox%40csiro.au> | http://people.csiro.au/C/S/Simon-Cox

Received on Thursday, 4 June 2015 20:50:41 UTC