RE: Quick review of the UCR doc

Linda, Kerry, Alejandro and others,

I could produce some UCs for visualisations, especially as I sit on the W3C Scalable Vector Graphics V2 WG, and have a history of visualisation and an interest in using standard geospatial visualisation packages to display meteorological styles.

However, I have a concern that SLD/SE is rather niche and dated because a key aspect of SVG V2 is inheritance of style and context from CSS etc into the graphical canvas.

I think this area  could be a good area for a second OGC/W3C collaboration.


From: []
Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 3:06 PM
Subject: RE: Quick review of the UCR doc

Responding to

-          Now that I’ve looked at the whole list I’m missing a requirement about visualising spatial data on the web. Something like “It should be possible to publish cartographic stylesheets (in e.g. CartoCSS, SLD/SE) alongside web-enabled spatial data.” However, none of the use cases we’ve assembled mention this! I find it curious, does anyone think we need this?
This generic topic has been avoided because our charter says as follows. Although this requirement is  getting very close to that excluded area, it may be still valid – what do you think?

Out of Scope
The Spatial Data on the Web Working Group must be mindful of the needs of front end Web developers, however, it will not develop any geospatial or map rendering technologies. In other words, this WG is focused specifically on the intersection of the issues facing OGC and W3C members.

From: Alejandro Llaves []
Sent: Wednesday, 3 June 2015 10:31 PM
To: Linda van den Brink
Cc: SDW WG (<>)
Subject: Re: Quick review of the UCR doc

Hi Linda,

thanks for your comments! See my answers below:

On 2 June 2015 at 10:13, Linda van den Brink <<>> wrote:
Hi all,

I went through the Requirements section of the UCR doc this morning and have some comments. Here they are:

-          5.36: I do not see the spatial aspect of this requirement.
Have in mind that the group is not only about "spatial" aspects, but about "spatial data on the Web" aspects. This is the reason to find requirements on provenance, quality metadata, reference data chunks or reference external vocabularies, which may be not directly related to "spatial" issues. If the group decides to remove this kind of requirements, fine.

-          5.42: I thought the requirement was not only for metadata for datasets/sources, but also for metadata for individual data objects. E.g UC 4.39 seems to need this (crowdsourced spatial data), also UC 4.30.

True, I changed the first sentence of the requirement to "There should be standards that allow describing the spatial characteristics of data (data objects, data sets or data services), like:"

-          5.49: typo: s/Referene/Reference


-          5.55: Title is “Use in computational models” but text below doesn’t fit this, “It must be possible to represent uncertainty in observations.” (probably copied from 5.54)

-          Now that I’ve looked at the whole list I’m missing a requirement about visualising spatial data on the web. Something like “It should be possible to publish cartographic stylesheets (in e.g. CartoCSS, SLD/SE) alongside web-enabled spatial data.” However, none of the use cases we’ve assembled mention this! I find it curious, does anyone think we need this?
Good! Could you please raise an issue to be discussed in future telecons? A related use case would also be valuable.


Linda van den Brink
Adviseur Geo-standaarden

a: Barchman Wuytierslaan 10, 3818 LH Amersfoort
p: Postbus 508, 3800 AM Amersfoort
t:  + 31 (0)33 46041 00
m: + 31 (0)6 1355 57 92


Alejandro Llaves

Ontology Engineering Group (OEG)

Artificial Intelligence Department

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Avda. Montepríncipe s/n

Boadilla del Monte, 28660 Madrid, Spain<>

Received on Wednesday, 3 June 2015 16:06:04 UTC