[Fwd: Re: Addition of copyright notice to the UCR doc]

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Subject: Re: Addition of copyright notice to the UCR doc
From:    "Rigo Wenning" <rigo@w3.org>
Date:    Sat, December 12, 2015 2:05 pm
To:      "George Percivall" <gpercivall@opengeospatial.org>
Cc:      "Phil Archer" <phila@w3.org>
         "Scott Simmons" <ssimmons@opengeospatial.org>
         "Joshua Lieberman" <jlieberman@tumblingwalls.com>
         "Simon Cox" <simon.cox@csiro.au>
         "Linda van den Brink" <l.vandenbrink@geonovum.nl>
         "Ed Parsons" <eparsons@google.com>
         "Kerry Taylor" <Kerry.Taylor@acm.org>
         "SDW WG Public List" <public-sdw-wg@w3.org>
         "Stefan Lemme" <stefan.lemme@dfki.de>
         "Frans Knibbe | Geodan" <frans.knibbe@geodan.nl>
         "Alejandro Llaves" <allaves@fi.upm.es>

On Friday, December 11, 2015 04:08:09 PM George Percivall wrote:
> Adding the MIT license would further complicate an already complex
> Intellectual Property environment for SDW.

With all due respect, but I wouldn't subscribe to any part of the above

1/ The MIT license is public domain with a naming restriction and a liability
limitation. So it is not complex at all.

2/ It affects only the _examples_ given in the Specification, thus does not
contribute at all to the "IPR environment" for SDW. The complex IPR
environment is not even an issue for the Specification (copyright). The
complex IPR environment is probably to 90% a question of patents. Those are
not infringed by the Specification, but only by the implementation thereof.

3/ If OGC is doing PDF specifications, the examples will not be included
anyway as the affected demos do not run inside PDF. So the OGC Specification
does not even have to include the acknowledgment as Joshua already pointed

So before going in rounds and creating a need for spec editing and further
coordination I humbly suggest to just keep the section in the acknowledgment
and to dare keeping the useful demos.

 Rigo Wenning
 ERCIM/W3C Legal counsel


Sent from my phone. Please excuse typos.

Received on Sunday, 13 December 2015 08:27:11 UTC