- From: Jeremy Tandy <jeremy.tandy@gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2017 21:56:11 +0000
- To: Ed Parsons <eparsons@google.com>, Peter Parslow <Peter.Parslow@os.uk>, "public-sdw-comments@w3.org" <public-sdw-comments@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CADtUq_2fAgbRZkV4w2r=4q_kB9s-+J4t11wNU2ymerH5XVk4Sw@mail.gmail.com>
Hi Peter. Thanks for both positive comments and useful critique. These will be easy to incorporate in the next working draft in about 6-weeks time - we've just frozen the draft so we can vote on Monday whether to release the current version (we like regular releases!) Jeremy On Thu, 16 Mar 2017 at 21:14, Ed Parsons <eparsons@google.com> wrote: > Hi Peter, > > You make a very good point about precision, but the examples are actually > what you are returned... I'm not sure we want to get into questions of > precision for the intended audience who are generally looking to express a > location globally within a few metres... > > Of course this leads us nicely into the discussion of samePlace as.... > > Ed > > > On Thu, 16 Mar 2017 at 12:54 Peter Parslow <Peter.Parslow@os.uk> wrote: > > Hi all, > This is becoming a really useful resource - as an introduction to the > subject area, as well as a set of best practices. Sorry to have not been > more involved. > > I've been reading it again (along with other related articles), prior to > attending next week's meeting, and a few things come to mind which could > become improvements. > > 1. URI for Eddystone Lighthouse. It is of course fine to use a URI from > Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, and a URL from Wikidata, if only to > demonstrate that many URIs can identify the same spatial thing. But I think > it would be good to honour the actual owners/operators of the lighthouse by > using their reference: > https://www.trinityhouse.co.uk/lighthouses-and-lightvessels/eddystone-lighthouse > > 2. in section 8 about CRS, it says that lat & long "can express a location > to within a few metres". In fact there's nothing to stop a lat/long being > as precise as you like, and I often find ones which are more precise than > their accuracy should support. By which I mean that quite a lot of software > defaults to serialising real numbers as decimals with six digits after the > decimal place - which is something like 1cm on the ground. That accuracy > can only be achieved with professional equipment, but a discussion of > accuracy & precision may be out of place in this document (at least, at > this section). But perhaps dropping the 'within a few metres' bit would be > appropriate.. > > And in fact, example 3 gives lat/long with seven and 12 decimal places: > seven is millimetre accuracy; I'd have to Google the name for a unit small > enough for 12 decimal places of a degree - probably smaller than an atom! > > See > http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/8650/measuring-accuracy-of-latitude-and-longitude/8674#8674 > > Can I recommend reducing the number of digits in the examples. > > 3. Further on in section 8, I'm not sure that EPSG:4277 is "the UK > National Grid"; my reading of the EPSG register is that this is the code > for OSGB36, which is the geodetic reference system on which the project > British National Grid is based. The code for the British National Grid is > 27700. > > We don't call it "UK" national grid, because Ireland generally uses a > different one. > > That's all for today; I may get time to read a bit more tomorrow. > > Peter > > > Peter Parslow > Principal Geographic Information Architect > Products & Innovation, Ordnance Survey > > Adanac Drive, SOUTHAMPTON, United Kingdom, SO16 0AS > Linked data / map: http://data.os.uk/id/postcodeunit/SO160AS > Phone: +44 23 8005 5341 <023%208005%205341> | Mobile: +44 7796 610020 > <07796%20610020> > www.os.uk | Peter.Parslow@os.uk > > Please consider your environmental responsibility before printing this > email. > > > > > This email is only intended for the person to whom it is addressed and may > contain confidential information. If you have received this email in error, > please notify the sender and delete this email which must not be copied, > distributed or disclosed to any other person. > > Unless stated otherwise, the contents of this email are personal to the > writer and do not represent the official view of Ordnance Survey. Nor can > any contract be formed on Ordnance Survey's behalf via email. We reserve > the right to monitor emails and attachments without prior notice. > > Thank you for your cooperation. > > Ordnance Survey Limited (Company Registration number 09121572) > Registered Office: Explorer House > Adanac Drive > Southampton SO16 0AS > Tel: 03456 050505 <0345%20605%200505> > http://www.os.uk > > > -- > > > *Ed Parsons *FRGS > Geospatial Technologist, Google > > +44 7825 382263 @edparsons > www.edparsons.com >
Received on Thursday, 16 March 2017 21:56:54 UTC