Re: Geographic metadata in Spatial Data on the Web Best Practices

Thank you!


On Tue, 4 Apr 2017 at 15:32 Neil McNaughton <> wrote:

> OK for me
> Best regards
> Neil McNaughton - @neilmcn <>
> Editor and Publisher, Oil IT Journal
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> *From:* Ed Parsons []
> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 04, 2017 3:17 PM
> *To:* Neil McNaughton <>;
> *Subject:* Re: Geographic metadata in Spatial Data on the Web Best
> Practices
> Hello Neil,
> I am working my way through the  public comments made to the Spatial Data
> on the Web working group prior to the release of final draft of the Best
> Practice Document, current version here
> Hopefully you will notice a section that deals specifically with
> approaches to making metadata about spatial data including ISO 19115
> compliant metadata more accessible - there is more work to do in this
> section before the final draft, but you very valid point about the value of
> existing metadata records has been taken onboard.
> Would you allow me to therefore  mark this comment as closed ?
> Many thanks for your contribution.
> Ed
> Co-Chair W3C/OGC Spatial Data on the Web Working Group
> On Mon, 7 Mar 2016 at 21:45 Rob Atkinson <> wrote:
> Another perspective - spatial data on the web - in any form - requires
> rich and flexible metadata to make it discoverable, invokable and
> interpretable - and a "semantic web" is really the only candidate for
> interoperable, canonical forms of this metadata.I say this because there
> are already some useful components available for re-use - and the
> meta-model supports the key multi-inheritance patterns we will care about
> when describing resource behaviours from multiple user perspectives.
> Linked Data provides a minimalist approach to this - linking using
> dereferencerable URIs it can be implemented agnostically of the encoding -
> HTML, RDF/XML, RDF-TTL, JSON-LD etc. IMHO it allows an incremental
> development of interoperability without needing to finalise a single shared
> information model.
> If we choose the Web - then we are also really choosing URI based
> vocabularies for key concepts - and the question is what are the minimal
> set of concepts we need to define to support some specific level of
> interoperability between these notional metadata graphs. IMHO the business
> of making the data itself interoperable is handled elsewhere by defining
> domain models and encodings - and these may or may not involve RDF - so the
> critical part of the SDW scope really is all about discovery and linking.
> That said, there is also a part about defining vocubularies for
> spatio/temporal concepts - and these should naturally be common across the
> data and metadata - so a semweb-oriented approach to these is a short-term
> enabler - but doesnt necessarily mean that SDW needs to proscribe data as
> RDF as the only way forward.
> Rob Atkinson
> On Mon, 7 Mar 2016 at 23:14 Erik Wilde <> wrote:
> hello neil.
> On 2016-03-07 10:02, Neil McNaughton wrote:
> > /Another comment – there is no mention of the semantic web. Has this to
> > all intents and purposes been replaced by “Linked Data?” Is this just a
> > buzzword swap or has something more substantial happened? I ask because
> > the ‘payload’ of the /Spatial Data on the Web Best Practices document
> > appears to be relations mapped in “OWL, SKOS, RDFS” which to the casual
> > observer sounds like the semantic web.//
> yes, "linked data" is a rebranding of "semantic web", plus a few
> additional constraints (most importantly: "use dereferencable HTTP URIs
> for everything").
> fyi, there have been discussions on whether SDW should be RDF-centric or
> not. some (including myself) have argued that "the web" is much wider
> than the "semantic web", and that the draft in its current form should
> either be titled "spatial data on the semantic web", or should be
> changed to be agnostic of a specific metamodel and simply recommend
> patterns and best practices derived from web architecture.
> to this end, is something that could
> serve as a foundation or starting point: it talks about the principles
> of web architecture without mandating one specific metamodel. it's
> basically "linked data minus requiring RDF".
> this issue of "the current BP draft is for semweb users only" has been
> raised before. it remains to be seen which path the WG and the spec are
> going to take.
> cheers,
> dret.
> --
> erik wilde | |
>             |    |
>             |    |
> --
> *Ed Parsons *FRGS
> Geospatial Technologist, Google
> +44 7825 382263 <07825%20382263> @edparsons

*Ed Parsons *FRGS
Geospatial Technologist, Google

+44 7825 382263 @edparsons

Received on Tuesday, 4 April 2017 14:40:01 UTC