Re: Would it make sense for Web IDL [[Call]] to do the current execution context munging that ES6 functions' default [[Call]] does?

On 8/28/14, 2:22 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
>> I say mostly, because there _are_ some cases where Web IDL defines its own [[Call]].  Specifically, for constructors and legacycallers.  Is there a way those [[Call]] definitions could just have the steps of #sec-built-in-function-objects-call-thisargument-argumentslist performed without copy/pasting them?
> That's fine.  You should be able to do whatever you need as part of the step 7 or 9 extension points.

Not quite, because at least the legacycaller case is not a Function 
object at all.  So it really does need to define a [[Call]] in its entirety.

> Or, you can define a new [[Call]] that is a superset of that specified in 9.3.1.

Right.  I guess we can just say to perform the steps in 9.3.1 with step 
9 being whatever it is we actually want to do?


Received on Thursday, 28 August 2014 18:32:26 UTC