Re: [webidl] Stringifiers should allow optional arguments

On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 9:14 AM, Boris Zbarsky <> wrote:
> On 7/9/14, 11:51 AM, Robin Berjon wrote:
>> And if we could kill serializer with the same stone, all the better.
> Serializer is a tad different.
> The issue with stringifier is that it doesn't actually describe the
> behavior.  It just specifies that a toString method is created, but what
> that toString method does has to be described in prose.  So there is no
> significant win over just having "toString" in the IDL with prose describing
> the behavior, except in terms of language-independence.
> For serializer, it can provide behavior, not just a function name.  So
> replacing it would involve a lot more prose.
> On the other hand, I think serializer as currently specified is somewhat
> over-engineered.  In practice, Gecko implements only the "serializer = {
> attribute };" form (and we give it a different name, "jsonifier", in our IDL
> to make it clear that it's not the thing that's in the spec).  This is the
> form that most closely corresponds to what people may want when they
> JSON.stringify an object in practice.  Are there actual use cases for the
> other forms that warrant having them in IDL?

And note that just defining a toJSON() method on the object already
lets you hook JSON.stringify(), so if JSON is the only thing we're
using it for, we don't need a special form for that either.


Received on Wednesday, 9 July 2014 16:19:45 UTC