Re: Feature-detectable API extensions?

On Aug 27, 2013, at 13:21 , Joshua Bell <> wrote:

> Now the problem: the new call would fail silently on older implementations; it would yield a value that would be incorrect, but not in a way that's trivial to detect. How should the API be designed to allow feature detection, without "designing for the past" ?

Are there argument values for the second argument that are invalid and will result in an exception? That's what can be used to detect whether String.prototype.localeCompare and a few other methods are implemented according to ECMA-402 or according to ECMA-262:

Note though that these *locale* methods were always documented in ECMA-262 with a warning that a new parameter was likely to be added.


Received on Tuesday, 27 August 2013 21:10:38 UTC