Re: Standardizing console APIs: Where?

El 26/02/2013, a las 11:34, Marcos Caceres escribió:
> On Tuesday, 26 February 2013 at 10:13, François REMY wrote:
>>> Safari, firefox, chrome:
>>> (a=[], function() { for (var i=0 ; i<10 ; i++) { a[0]=i; console.log(a); } })()
>>> [9]
>>> [9]
>>> [9]
>>> [9]
>>> [9]
>>> [9]
>>> [9]
>>> [9]
>>> [9]
>>> [9]
> Chrome gives me the same as the sequence below (not the one above?).

Oh yes, it was an "old" chrome Versión 20.0.1132.43 beta and Versión 22.0.1188.0 canary which give as above, but Versión 25.0.1364.99 do it as below.

Chromium v22.0.1229.94 debian 7.0 on a raspi does it well too (as below).

> And so does Firebug - but Firefox's web console does indeed give the above.

Yes, right, on FF v19.0/mac: web console:wrong, firebug:fine.

>>> node, opera dragonfly:
> I heard Opera dragonfly is discontinued (they will use Chromium's dev tools, I hear). If so, Chromium gives me the sequence below.  
>>>> (a=[], function() { for (var i=0 ; i<10 ; i++) { a[0]=i; console.log(a); } })()
>>> [ 0 ]
>>> [ 1 ]
>>> [ 2 ]
>>> [ 3 ]
>>> [ 4 ]
>>> [ 5 ]
>>> [ 6 ]
>>> [ 7 ]
>>> [ 8 ]
>>> [ 9 ]
>> FWIW, I just tested in IE10 which outputs
>> 0  
>> 1  
>> 2  
>> 3  
>> 4  
>> 5  
>> 6  
>> 7  
>> 8  
>> 9  
>> (IE console is still text-only at this time, so it does a.toString() at call time)  
> So, that means from my own testing that only Safari and Firefox differ. I'm on a Mac, running latest stable versions.    

Received on Tuesday, 26 February 2013 11:14:50 UTC