Re: WindowProxy objects violate ES5 invariants

On 12/15/12 9:05 AM, David Bruant wrote:
> A little point that may make things a little bit annoying: when a
> variable is declared globally with "var" (I assume "let" too and it's
> worse with "const") or a function declared globally, the
> variable/function name is currently reflected as a non-configurable
> property of the global object (I don't know if it's a DOM or an
> ECMAScript thing).

Oh, indeed.  This is an ECMAScript thing.  See ES5 section 10.5 step 2 
and then step 8.c.i, which calls section

So yeah, WindowProxy would have to have some sort of whitelist of things 
that are configurable if we wanted to report the [Unforgeable] stuff as 


Received on Saturday, 15 December 2012 16:45:58 UTC