RE: "var" declarations shadowing properties from Window.prototype

> From: Boris Zbarsky [mailto:bzbarsky@MIT.EDU]
> On 8/12/12 5:29 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:
> > Boris Zbarsky wrote:
> >> Note that data in
> >>

> >> 33.html suggests that IE also implements the erratum to 5.1 we were
> >> talking about up-thread.  Oh what a tangled web we weave.
> >
> > Yes, current thinking is that we should take the erratum that major JS
> > engines already fixed, and include it in ES6. But this means we must
> > do something different in WebIDL, probably make own global properties
> > for window-implements-interface-inherited attributes and even
> operations.
> >
> > And then (for strict mode) be careful about get-only accessors. This
> > reminds me of [Replaceable], which was for non-writable but
> > configurable data properties that var and function must be able to
> > replace. It's kind of the opposite and only for accessors:
> > var-captures-own-accessor-via-detection, or some such.
> >
> > Just recapping, tell me if I'm missing something.
> The above sounds like a reasonable summary to me.  Certainly hits all the
> high points of the discussion, with the addition that the GSP as currently
> specced depends on the erratum sticking around.

Allow me to also recap to ensure I understand this thread:

The problem: a few [high profile] sites are using a coding practice that uses feature detection of the following pattern:
   var [standardized property name] = window.[standardized property name] || window.[implementation-specific property name] || [etc.]
Firefox is affected by this problem (e.g., the result of the var declaration is undefined)
Chrome is not affected by this problem because their var creation algorithm checks the prototype chain for an existing property name
IE10 is not affected by this problem because they define both "indexedDb" and "msIndexedDb" and the latter wins--otherwise they _would_ be affected by this problem.

The reaction by this group is:
* Don't change anything about ES5.1 var declaration and initialization (because we like the behavior, it works well with global scope pollutors in the prototype chain)
* Change WebIDL so that any properties that would mixin to Window (or any ancestors that Window would inherit from) would instead be created directly on the global object (instead of on a prototype of the global). Additionally, ensure that all of these properties are [Replaceable] meaning that if they are readonly (no setter), a [[Put]] request would instead create a data property of the same name in place of the pre-existing property.

One side effect as I understand this, would be that:
   var indexedDb = "test";
would result in "test", and the original indexedDb property would be lost. Is this your understanding as well?

Another side effect of this proposed change is that:
   var onload = function(e) { ...}
would actually assign the event handler (it does in Chrome today, not in Gecko/IE9/10).

I was curious just how "bad" the currently reported bug actually is. I ran a query looking for use of var indexedDb and var requestAnimationFrame across our web data index (which is unfortunately about a year old). jQuery uses the requestAnimationFrame a lot--but their use is contained to the jQuery scope closure. Modernizer was also using the var indexedDb technique, but Modernizer also runs in a scope closure and thus is not affected by this issue. In fact, any major library (and a lot of other sites that have adopted the "module pattern") won't be affected by this at all.

So this begs the question: are we overreacting here? Personally, I'd like to avoid making a change to IE in this regard if I can avoid it. I'm not sure I'd recommend a change to WebIDL for this issue if we had found it in the wild--we might just expect sites to adjust their behavior instead (these affected high profile sites could arguably make an easy change to avoid this problem). The two side effects that immediately came to mind above could have worse impliciations than the current issue--especially the [Replaceable] change, since you inadvertently lose the original property in that case.

> Travis Leithead wrote:
>> Brendan Eich:
>>> As noted, they started out that way 17 years ago. I think WebIDL and 
>>> interface-based method definition made onload, e.g., predefined on 
>>> window objects, or more recently on Window.prototype. Was this useful?
>>> Was it intended specifically (for window, not just intended 
>>> generally due to WebIDL's uniform rules for binding its definitions in JS)?
>> I don't think it provides any benefit.  Uniformity is the only reason 
>> the spec says they should be there, currently.
> It does provide the monkey-patch benefit for "shared" interfaces (e.g., those shared by inheritance). At the present time, the only one I can think of that [will] act like this is EventTarget (IE10 hasn't yet implemented this hierarchy change).
>Do you think it's worth another exception (to the exception whereby inherited properties are flattened to be "own" on the global) that adds EventTarget.prototype to window objects' prototype chains? Presumably in front of (closer to the head of the global object itself) the GSP.

Possibly, since we we're talking about exceptions for exceptions :) However, I'd like to consider not making a change at all given the consequences as I understand them.

Received on Wednesday, 15 August 2012 19:33:31 UTC