Re: "var" declarations shadowing properties from Window.prototype

On 8/12/12 5:29 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:
> Boris Zbarsky wrote:
>> Note that data in
>> suggests that IE also implements the erratum to 5.1 we were talking
>> about up-thread.  Oh what a tangled web we weave.
> Yes, current thinking is that we should take the erratum that major JS
> engines already fixed, and include it in ES6. But this means we must do
> something different in WebIDL, probably make own global properties for
> window-implements-interface-inherited attributes and even operations.
> And then (for strict mode) be careful about get-only accessors. This
> reminds me of [Replaceable], which was for non-writable but configurable
> data properties that var and function must be able to replace. It's kind
> of the opposite and only for accessors:
> var-captures-own-accessor-via-detection, or some such.
> Just recapping, tell me if I'm missing something.

The above sounds like a reasonable summary to me.  Certainly hits all 
the high points of the discussion, with the addition that the GSP as 
currently specced depends on the erratum sticking around.


Received on Sunday, 12 August 2012 23:24:38 UTC