Re: [WebIDL] cycles in [PutForward] chains

On Sat, Aug 4, 2012 at 6:26 PM, Cameron McCormack <> wrote:

> Glenn Adams <> wrote:
> >I think it is not merely spec authors but implementations, since the
> >language above says "when following the chain". For example step 6 of
> >[2]
> >constitutes following the chain, which is a runtime semantic.
> >
> >[2]
> I intended the checking for the same attribute to be a compile time
> (specification time?) check. I'll clarify that.
> But the behaviour is well defined if you removed that restriction, if you
> follow the [PutForwards] steps in

i meant step 7 (not 6), but yes, it is well defined, though sub-step 4 of
step 7 will take a while to return if there is a cycle (and the
implementation does nothing to detect it)

Received on Sunday, 5 August 2012 03:17:40 UTC