Re: [Bug 16450] Class String

On Tuesday, 27 March 2012 at 02:44, Cameron McCormack wrote:

> Marcos Caceres: >> I don't believe there is a way to expose arbitrary  
> internal properties from ES5
> > > objects.
> >  
> >  
> >  
> > Sure there is:
> > Object.isExtensible
> > Object.isSealed
> > Object.isFrozen
> >  
> >  
> > I'm not really asking to get at arbitrary internal properties, just a very specific one that is defined by WebIDL…
> OK, though you did say "there is a pattern to expose all internal  
> properties of an object in ECMAScript5" and I don't think that is the  
> case. For example I would be very surprised if there was a plan to  
> expose [[Scope]], [[Code]], etc.

> > I agree. To be clear, that was not what I was asking for. What I was suggesting was that a WebIDL user agent might support something like:
> >  
> > //returns true or false
> > Object.isPlatformObject(obj)
> OK, I understand now. Being a platform object is something that is  
> relative to a given implementation of a set of IDL fragments, so I don't  
> think it's something that can be put on Object. I am not sure that this  
> would be useful enough to warrant adding, however.

Agree, given the lack of a strong use case  on my part.   

Received on Tuesday, 27 March 2012 07:25:42 UTC