CR exit criteria for Web IDL

Here are my thoughts on what we should have as the exit criteria for Web 
IDL.  We talked about this at TPAC last year, so I think people are on 
board with this.

We should find two instances of each Web IDL "feature" (whatever that 
means -- perhaps it means "attribute", "operation", etc., or it might be 
more fine grained such as "operation argument default value" or 
"operation argument of type unsigned long") in existing Web 
specifications and use them as the basis for testing the normative 
requirements on implementations that Web IDL describes.  When we have a 
choice, we should choose "more stable" specifications/definitions.  For 
example, when choosing what to base our IDL const tests on, choosing 
Node.ELEMENT_NODE would probably be a good choice.

There will be some features which exist just for legacy purposes (like 
say [OverrideBuiltins]) which may not have more than one use in 
specifications.  In these cases we won't need to wait for a second usage 
of that feature.

We should make a test suite for all of these features, and the exit 
criteria should be two passing independent implementations of them.

Received on Tuesday, 20 March 2012 00:41:30 UTC