Re: querySelectorAll() -- selecting _immediate_ children of element

On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 6:17 AM, Marat Tanalin |
<> wrote:
> querySelector() and querySelectorAll() methods are exciting features, but they do not allow select _immediate_ children of reference element.
> To address this lack, we could use following syntax:
>    var divs = refElement.querySelectorAll('> DIV');
> Here 'divs' variable contains list of DIV elements that are immediate children (not just descendant elements) of reference element (refElement).

This is already supported in the Selectors API 2 draft:

Using the qS and qSA functions, you can pass a reference node as the
second argument, and select it with the :scope pseudoclass, like so:

document.querySelectorAll(':scope > div', refElement)

Using the find and findAll functions, you can just start a selector
with a combinator, like in your example:

refElement.findAll('> div')


Received on Monday, 9 January 2012 17:08:10 UTC