Re: Reviving E4X (H4E)?

On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 16:11, Brendan Eich <> wrote:
> On Oct 19, 2011, at 1:55 PM, ☻Mike Samuel wrote:
>>> I love quasis and don't mind their hunchback-like name, but others say it is
>>> a scary unknown neologism. Can we have a better term?
>>> For the unprefixed `... ${...} ...` form we could say "string
>>> interpolation". That's a mouthful but it is a known phrase.
>>> Sorry to bikeshed the name! If that's the biggest problem (and it may be),
>>> well done to you and Mike.
>>> /be
>> I'm happy with either "string interpolation" or "template".  I can't
>> find "template" in FutureReservedWord, but I thought it was in there.
>> If so it would be odd to have a language feature named "template" but
>> not have any relation to the future reserved word.
> No, template was never reserved -- not in Java, so not reserved by me in 1995, or in ES1 based on that. And we unreserved a bunch of Java's keywords in ES5. No C++ templates in sight.
> Does template carry too much other baggage (e.g. JQuery template plugins)? I don't know.

The jquery function is such a chameleon that jquery`...` could
probably be made to work for a subset of jquery templates excluding

Received on Thursday, 20 October 2011 09:05:00 UTC