[Webidl] editorial comments


> An object map implementing OrderedMap support indexed properties with indices in the range 0 ≤ index < map.size.



> An exception can be defined to inherit from another exception.
> If the identifier of the exception is followed by a
> U+003A COLON (":") character and a scoped name, then that scoped
> name identifies the inherited exception.
> The scoped name MUST resolve to an exception


-- the period seems to have been lost in some edit


>    void addEventListener(DOMString type,
>                          in EventListener listener,
>                          in boolean useCapture);

s/in //g

for reference, you can verify these are the only two that need to be
changed by using:
* { visibility: hidden; }
code, code > *, .syntax, .syntax > * { visibility: visible !important; }

in edit styles [1]


There is no way to represent an constant array value in IDL.

s/an constant/a constant/

Philip` filed a bug against HTML5 [2] with a script rule to do what I
did manually for this spec.


> If O implements an interface with an named property setter

s/an named/a named/

> If O does not to implement an interface with an named property deleter, then Reject.

s/an named/a named/


> All platform array objects are platform objects, and thus are associated with a particular global environment.

s/are/each is/

> The value of the internal [[Class]] property of an platform array object

s/an platform/a platform/


> An argument is considered to be an optional argument if it is
> declared with the optional keyword. The final argument of a
> variadic operation is also considered to be an optional argument.
> Declaring an argument to be optional indicates that an the argument

s/an the/the/


> Let O be the result of constructing a new object of class C.
> When invoking the constructor, the result of converting M to a
> java.lang.String object to is used as the constructor's sole argument,



> Made calling an ECMAScript Function that corresponds to an IDL
> operation throw a TypeError if the this value isn't an object

you could s/isn't/isn’t/ -- i haven't built up a full model, it seems
like you only use `'` marks in <code>.

The next contributions are from MS Word 2007 :)


> Special operations are declared by using one or more special keywords keywords

s/keywords keywords/keywords/


> the stringification of the object is the concatenation of the the

s/the the/the/


> As described in section section 4.7

s/section section/section/


> If the unsigned long long is less than to 2^53 − 1

s/to// or s/to/or equal to/ -- dunno, it matters


> An ECMAScript implementation implementing the Cat interface would
> convert an undefined value assied to the name and owner properties



technically "omittable" should probably be "omissible", but, that'd be
a language change. otoh, it's kinda like http-referrer :(

[1] https://www.squarefree.com/bookmarklets/webdevel.html#edit_styles
[2] http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=13879

Received on Tuesday, 23 August 2011 23:05:48 UTC