Re: indexed properties on NodeLists and HTMLCollections

Cameron McCormack:
> I would like to hear from implementors whether they
>   1. are happy treating indexed properties as a layer above the normal
>      object property resolution (like Chrome/Safari do);
>   2. think disallowing user defined non-configurable array index
>      properties, or disallowing all user defined array index properties,
>      as own properties on NodeLists/HTMLCollections is a good idea.

Hearing some support for the above and no objections, I will start
speccing this.  This will involve editorial work specifying the
behaviour of [[Get]], etc. on these objects, rather than having it
written in terms of defining and deleting properties at particular

I would prefer to go the route of disallowing all user defined array
index properties on objects with indexed properties, as that is simpler.

I’m yet to do any testing for named properties.  There are two
interfaces that have [OverrideBuiltins], HTMLDocument and
HTMLFormElement, and I’m guessing that disallowing all user defined
properties on objects with [OverrideBuiltins] named properties is not

Cameron McCormack ≝

Received on Tuesday, 14 June 2011 03:14:07 UTC