Re: [WebIDL] prototype chains, multiple inheritance, mixin interfaces

On Tue, 23 Nov 2010 23:45:20 +0100, Cameron McCormack <>  
> Here is my proposal then.  For both the “editorial” case (like how the
> deprecated members of HTMLBodyElement are separated in HTML5 from the
> rest purely for editorial reasons) and the “extension” case as in the
> above CSSOM and DOM Parser examples, we allow interfaces to be extended:
>   // in DOM Core
>   interface Element : Node {
>     DOMString getAttribute(in DOMString name);
>     …
>   };
>   // in DOM Parser
>   extend interface Element {
>     void insertAdjacentHTML(DOMString position, DOMString text);
>     …
>   };
> We would still allow mixin interfaces to be defined and then used with
> “implements” statements for cases where they really are more like
> separate interfaces.

Looks good to me.

> [I don’t particularly like “supplemental” as the keyword to use, as it
> sounds like it’s really a separate interface – more like the mixin case.
> Although I am not that happy with “extend”, either, as it sounds more
> like a command than some declarative statement of fact like “implements”
> does.  Bikeshedding welcome! :)]

"extends"? :-)

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Wednesday, 24 November 2010 11:39:14 UTC