Re: Removal of identifierless getters, setters, etc.

On Oct 12, 2010, at 2:24 PM, Cameron McCormack wrote:

> At TPAC last year, there was a discussion on Web IDL that resulted in a
> resolution to remove special operations (getters, setters, etc.) that
> have no identifier:
> I don’t see any rationale there, so I wonder if anyone who was there
> could explain?

I believe the rationale was that it would make it prohibitively hard to implement these in languages that lack generic syntax for these actions.

> HTML5 currently uses a number of these, specifically:
>  DOMStringMap - name getter, setter, creator & deleter
>  HTMLDocument - name getter
>  Window - name getter, index getter
>  TimedTrackCueList - index getter
>  CanvasPixelArray - index getter, index setter
> Would the idea here be to given all of these an identifier but to
> declare them as omittable (so that in JS real method wouldn’t exist on
> these objects anyway)?


- Sam

Received on Tuesday, 12 October 2010 23:08:52 UTC