Re: Notes from our WebIDL + ES5 phone chat today...

Garrett Smith:
> > CM: users would like the ability to override a mixin in once place (e.g.,
> > EventTarget)
> What does this mean?

Being able to do

  EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = …

instead of doing it on every mixin prototype object, which is how it
would need to be done as currently specified.

> > TL: IE8 spread the mixins out over the affected objects (duplicating their
> > definitions)
> What does this mean?

If IDL said

  interface Base { };
  interface Mixin { void f(); };
  interface DerivedOne : Base, Mixin { };
  interface DerivedTwo : Base, Mixin { };

then a property named 'f' would exist in a DerivedOne instance’s
prototype chain somewhere, and a separate one would exist in a
DerivedTwo instance’s, as far as I understood it.  I don’t remember if
it was mentioned where specifically those properties go.

Cameron McCormack ≝

Received on Monday, 5 October 2009 07:55:00 UTC