Re: Name of the CG



Dr. Raphael Wimmer
Lehrstuhl für Medieninformatik / Media Informatics Group
Universität Regensburg
93040 Regensburg

Tel.: +49 941 943-3170
Mobile: +49 160 1085681
Fax: +49 941 943-2429

Skype: real_raphman

>>> Ivan Herman <> 11/26/15 1:31 PM >>>
> On 26 Nov 2015, at 11:19, Sarven Capadisli <> wrote:
>> I think the name of this CG is too narrow. Are we only talking about HTML?
It is also the same generic name used by one of the tools. Consider renaming.
My suggestion is to remain somewhat agnostic about the technology e.g., HTML,
even though I'm sure that many of us are in agreement on that. I propose
"Linked Research" as it better captures the actual initiative.
> I would not agree with that. If we get to generic then we get nowhere. The
issue is very very practical: to get to the point when scholarly publishing can
be based, at last, on the Open Web Platform, ie, producing articles that are
displayed through the usual Web environment. This means to use HTML5. The
'linked research' is an important but, in this respect, secondary to the goals
of the CG. Ie, let us stay focused…

I tend to agree with Ivan. I was drawn to this community group because I am
interested in the practical usability and utility of publishing and
collaborating using open standards (and HTML is the de-facto standard).
To me, the description of the group sounded like a place where concrete
practical aspects of publishing scientific papers written in HTML are

FWIW, my primary topics of interest include:

- How to model the current structure of scientific papers (e.g. keywords,
figures, footnotes, references) in HTML. Most parts seem straighforward, for
others no HTML equivalent seems to exist.
- How to represent references to other works in a way that is robust,
versatile, and extendable.
- How to make authoring of scientific papers in HTML as easy as possible
- How to make HTML-only papers archivable and robust against link-rot and
different/changing browser implementations (e.g., it would be bad if charts
were displayed differently by different browsers)
- How to use the capabilities of the WWW (links, interactivity, collaboration)
for enhancing scientific communication.
- How to get conferences / journals to accept submissions in HTML format (a
topic, we are currently looking at).

Is this the right forum for discussing such questions?

All the Best,

Received on Thursday, 26 November 2015 13:57:49 UTC