Re: elements for basic academic articles

On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 3:32 AM, Pedersen, John - Hoboken <
> wrote:

> One thought here is that the HTML elements/attributes for scholarly
> content should come from how best to capture in HTML5 the
> concepts/information/structure that scholarly/academic articles contain.
> That is, rather than jumping to the HTML5, first enumerate the concepts in
> some language-agnostic way and then see what HTML5 best fits.  The
> suggestions so far, both Johannes' below and the entire set of SH and
> friends candidate languages, are likely intending to provide already the
> benefit of having gone through this exercise, but since there's apparently
> several different conclusions, maybe it would be worth going through the
> analysis explicitly again?

I think that would be a good idea.

My initial list wasn't meant as a list of everything we ever need to
express everything we have in terms of scholarly content. It was more what
we at Fidus Writer concluded to seem to be a feature set that those
interested in our editing solution couldn't live without and that therefore
needed to be prioritized. We know we are talking only to a subset of
authors/publishers. So it was more a "it would be good if we could at least
cover these with some type of element", not a "let's narrow it down to only
this with these specific elements and nothing more."

Received on Wednesday, 2 December 2015 08:23:16 UTC