Re: Some Design Principles

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Hi Ivan,

On 01/12/2015 03:59 , Ivan Herman wrote:
> 1. The sad reality is that academic publishing is very
> conservative (because people's livelihood depends on playing by the
> rules), which also means that, at the end of the day, their
> publication must end up by reputable(?) journals. And, at least in
> 2015, most of those journals are still bound by formatting rules
> that are, though antiquated, nevertheless prevalent (the ACM or
> Springer formats are probably the best known examples in computer
> science or mathematics). This means that any environment based on
> SH can be successful only if it is possible to produce, through
> some clever software, HTML *as well as* PDF formats that abide to
> those rules. Similarly, authors still use Microsoft Word, mostly,
> to author their articles and tools must exist to convert those into
> SH. These formats are indeed arbitrary and, as I said, antiquated
> and often motivated by the not-invented-here syndrome (a good
> example is the absolutely crazy proliferation of various formal
> reference formats in the bibliography). But I believe that we have
> to be pragmatic and not forget their existence.
> Whether these considerations will affect the final definition of
> SH: I do not know. Mostly not, but maybe yes in some places (eg,
> the reference format and vocabulary we use). But I think keeping
> this in our back of our mind all the time is important. Silvio's
> RASH format is a good example for such a full(er) environment, but
> I let him comment on the details

I think that there are at least two primary areas in which these
constraints influence SH:

  – Semantics: whatever SH supports needs to be reasonably compatible
with the data model used by publishers. This, of course, varies; but
we should also expect notable similarities at a high level. Having
written a tool to convert between bibliographic formats I'll attest
that we can't perfectly map to everything just in that area; but I am
confident that we can get "close enough".

  — Styling: the format needs to have sufficient markup backbone that
it can be styled for both online and print PDFs (assuming reasonably
recent tooling). I think that's largely achievable with today's tools.

> (A good example from my own experience: I am part of the steering 
> committee for the WWW201X conferences. Our 'proceedings' has also 
> been published by the ACM, in their digital library, for many
> years, although we also maintain the proceedings, free of charge
> for everybody, on the Web. We would like to have a purely HTML
> based proceedings eventually, and we are seriously considering
> doing that for WWW2017. But it is clear for us that having a copy
> of the articles in the ACM DL is important for our constituency.)

Your use case is the use case of a *lot* of people, certainly of a lot
of societies, journals, and conferences. That's why having a pivot
format is useful: either the ACM will start accepting it, or someone
will have written a tool to convert to whatever they accept.

> 2. We should not look at SH in isolation, but should also consider 
> the environment they would be in. Of course, SH is an interchange 
> format but, on long term, we would also like to see academic
> journals that are fully Web based using SH at their core. As an
> example, I am co-author of a paper at PeerJ CS[1]: as an author,
> the advantage is not (only) that it is in HTML, but also the whole
> process of getting there which was offered (superbly, I must add)
> by PeerJ: the reviewing, the commenting, etc. SH should make that
> easy and smooth. Obviously, it is *not* our goal to come up with a
> standard environment like PeerJ. But, again, design consideration
> should keep that in the back of our mind.

Well, our goals are certainly about the full environment :) But given
a sane model, a lot of the specifics more or less Just Work™ (the
"more or less" part being important). To give an example, we made to support annotation models,
notably for peer review, but it should work perfectly fine with any
reasonable HTML vernacular.

> B.t.w., it would be good to have people from places like PeerJ,
> PLOS, arXiv, etc, in our midst…

If you look closely you'll see that we have a few already ;) (But yes,
we can always have more input.)

> 3. The issue of archiving came up. I think we should also
> seriously consider, from the start, that an SH, more exactly the SH
> plus the surrounding information, should also be storable, for
> offline usage *and* archiving, in EPUB of some version. Doing that
> means we can provide a proper offline usage for the paper (and
> forget about PDF in that respect) as well as ensure a certain level
> of defense against link-rot.
> EPUB 3 definitely has some restrictions on what can or cannot be 
> included and what format can be used; we should know that. Note
> also that the W3C DPUB IG is working on a more general vision, a
> *draft* called Portable Web Publications[2] that may be the right
> environment to consider in the future. Again: we should keep that
> approach for archiving in mind...

Yes, interop with EPUB 3/PWP/E0 is certainly very important.

- -- 
• Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon
• — intelligent science publishing
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