Re: Name of the CG


On 26/11/2015 07:36 , Sarven Capadisli wrote:
> I entirely agree on keeping all this inline with the open web / native
> Web stack. I presume that the this also means that the work here is not
> solely about HTML, but also include embedding of semantic structures,
> using appropriate presentation layers, and interactive components, ..
> among other things. In my opinion, "Scholarly HTML" doesn't sufficiently
> capture that.

I think we might be hitting on some terminological disagreement here
that is worth dispelling. Can you be clearer on which parts of HTML
don't capture the uses you list above?

I do generally agree with Ivan and Raphael that keeping the scope in
check makes the issue tractable. I also think that we are more likely to
get to the more "advanced" parts by building all the way up there in
steps that are already useful on their own, so as to garner adoption and

• Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon
• — intelligent science publishing

Received on Tuesday, 1 December 2015 04:33:17 UTC