Hi everyone,
Regarding: https://github.com/twamarc/ScheMed/issues/2
We finished the initial job of restructuring and we have generated
up-to-date rdfa files both for
-health.schema.org extension ONLY see:
-current version of schema.rdfa integrating health.schema.org extension.
see: (https://github.com/twamarc/schemaorg/data/schema.rdfa)
We performed schema.org tests (scripts/run_tests.py) on the latter and
they are successful. Thanks to Jos De Roo (@josd ) for his help there.
The final remaining steps/tasks are:
1-To deploy on the GAE the files
(schemed/HealthSchemaOrg/health_schema_org_new.rdfa &
scheamaorg/data/schema.rdfa) under 'sdo-schemed.appspot.com' and
'sdo-health-schema-org.appspot.com' or other names.
(for this we need to create a public google account---accessible
by some people -or any other suggestion?)
2-To use the inserted subClassOf
CreatedInExtension/MaintainedInCore/MovedFromCore to list all terms below
each category (needed for extension rationale)
3-To take the 2 rdfa files and drop (remove) all inserted subClassOf
used for classifications above:
"<span>Subclass of: <a property="rdfs:subClassOf" href="
"<span>Subclass of: <a property="rdfs:subClassOf" href="
"<span>Subclass of: <a property="rdfs:subClassOf" href="
4-To re-deploy the final cleaned files for final review
5-Make a pull request to schema.org
@Dan: I have forgotten something here?
Q: Can someone provide a help there by taking over one or multiple of
those tasks?
Kind Regards,
Marc Twagirumukiza