Welcome to public-schemata-users@w3.org

Hello public-schemata-users,

This mailing list was created following discussions at the W3C Hypertext
Coordination Group. It is intended for users of Schemata, in particular
with multiple namespaces; schema modularization and compound document

W3C XML Schema, RelaxNG, NVDL and related technologies are on scope for
this list as are discussions of modularization and combination
strategies, schema design, and experience of particular implementations.

This is a public list;the archives are at

 Chris Lilley                    mailto:chris@w3.org
 Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
 W3C Graphics Activity Lead
 Co-Chair, W3C Hypertext CG

Received on Monday, 3 October 2005 05:46:04 UTC