Re: Doubts about Instructor & Author in Course Type

Hello Álvaro, I cannot speak for the SEO impact of what you are doing, but from the semantic point of view I see only benefits in saying the same person authored the syllabus and is the course instructor: that is significant information, not mere repetition.

Again, I do not know how search engines process the information, but in principle you need only repeat the @id of the Person (you will want to check how this works with your favourite search engine).

Warm regards, Phil

On 09/05/2024 10:02, Álvaro Pichó wrote:

> Good morning dear Schema's community.
> I've updated my websites Course's clients and as the professional prestige of some Instructors is an added value of the courses, here in Spain, I wanted to enrich their profiles.
> However, I've created 2 areas where I talk about them and I think they overlap each other, I duplicate the information and I am not happy.
> 1st, I add the property “instructor” in Course type, then Type: person and I add knowsAbout, worksFor, etc.
> 2nd, following Dan Brickley's instructions at Course related proposals >
> I write syllabusSections > Syllabus where I can add Author, and here is when I duplicate information due to are the same as described in Instructor.
> If my purpose is not to duplicate the information, I can either give up Instructor in Course, or I can give up Author in Syllabus.
> Which one do you recommend which is better semantically?
> I think author in Syllabus... What do you think? Any kind advice?
> Here is one of them:
> And Instructors' profiles here So, all information is user visible
> With Love & Respect,
> Álvaro Pichó Torres
> Consultor SEO
> [](
> [619 832 611](tel:+34619832611)
> [Álvaro Pichó Consultor SEO Levante](
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[Phil Barker](, (he/him).
[Cetis LLP]( a cooperative consultancy for innovation in education technology.
[PJJK Limited]( technology to enhance learning; information systems for education.

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Received on Thursday, 9 May 2024 10:38:50 UTC