Doubts about Instructor & Author in Course Type

Good morning dear Schema's community.

I've updated my websites Course's clients and as the professional 
prestige of some Instructors is an added value of the courses, here in 
Spain, I wanted to enrich their profiles.

However, I've created 2 areas where I talk about them and I think they 
overlap each other, I duplicate the information and I am not happy.

1st, I add the property "instructor" in Course type, then Type: person 
and I add knowsAbout, worksFor, etc.

2nd, following Dan Brickley's instructions at Course related proposals >

I write syllabusSections > Syllabus where I can add Author, and here is 
when I duplicate information due to are the same as described in 

If my purpose is not to duplicate the information, I can either give up 
Instructor in Course, or I can give up Author in Syllabus.

Which one do you recommend which is better semantically?

I think author in Syllabus... What do you think? Any kind advice?

Here is one of them:

And Instructors' profiles here 
So, all information is user visible

With Love & Respect,

Álvaro Pichó Torres

Consultor SEO [1]

619 832 611 [2]


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Received on Thursday, 9 May 2024 09:02:05 UTC