Re: Schema's crawling mismatch

Hello again dear community,

Perhpas may I say, that this Structured data is built with:

1) Static JSON-LD: for CollectionPage

2) Dinamic Microdata: for ItemList

3) With Plugin: Schema & Structured Data for WP & AMP by Magazine3 for 
Wordpress: Custom Schema for JSON, Automated for ItemList.

Always correctly verified

Maybe it's a problem of mine or of the plugin. Do you have the same 
problem with your ecommerce + ItemList?

So, it can be I'm askig about my problem, not a Schema's problem.

I will be very grateful for any answer,

With L&R,

Álvaro Pichó Torres

Consultor SEO [1]

619 832 611 [2]


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El 24/04/2024 07:46, Álvaro Pichó escribió:

> Good morning dear community,
> I have found some mismatches between what Google crawls and what Schema 
> crawls in its validator, which this is the same result as in Rich 
> Results Test.
> It's about Product List Pages in ecommerce sites with ItemList and the 
> number of itemListElement crawled.
> Both, Schema's validator and Google's Rich Results Test, they find 10 
> in 10 products as itemListElement even if there are 12 or 18.
> I continue with the case of a listing of 12 products per page.
> At first I thought that I lost the ones corresponding to 11th and 12th 
> product, but my surprise was that when validating the /page/2/, the 
> structured data validators see on page 2, 11 and 12, up to the 
> twentieth (20th) product.
> For a moment I thought this was the same as what Google crawls and saw, 
> until I go to 'View crawled page' (crawled content with Javascript 
> execution) and I see that Google's crawling and indexing yes it sees 
> 11th and 12th.
> So there is a mismatch between both, Schema's and Gogole's, crawlers: 
> schema sees one thing, Google sees another.
> The problem is not about crawling and indexing by itself (both crawlers 
> see all), a mismatch is being created that looks like this a Cloaking 
> problem, like a 'light' cloaking problem.
> If I've 48 products linked to this Product List Page (PLP) 12 by 12, on 
> /page/3/, for example, Google crawls 25th product to 36th, and Schema 
> 21th to 30th, both crawls are different in content.
> Every body can check it by himself on their client's ecommerce sites, I 
> share my screenshots:
> 1) My validated ItemList counts only up to 10th itemListElement:
> 2) 11th product shown on PLP 1...
> 3) Appears on /page/2/ for Schema's validator:
> 4) Finally, as I tweeted about this to dear John Mueller 
> and he 
> answered me about indexing, I checked View crawled page, and I confirm 
> myself that Google yes it crawls what I show, 12 products:
> So, mismatch confirmed.
> More proofs, Rich Results Test, only up to 10th:
> I think this is an interesting topic to share with this excellent 
> community of passionate professionals.
> With Love & Respect,
> Álvaro Pichó Torres
> Consultor SEO
> [1]
> 619 832 611 [2]
> [3]
> NOTA IMPORTANTE: Le informamos que este mensaje está dirigido a las 
> personas indicadas en el encabezamiento y que puede contener 
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> copiar, distribuir o tomar iniciativa alguna en relación con su 
> contenido. En cumplimiento de lo previsto en la Ley Orgánica 15/1999, 
> de 13 de diciembre de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal, le 
> comunicamos su e-mail junto con los datos que nos facilite y nos haya 
> facilitado, constan en un fichero titularidad de Álvaro Pichó Torres a 
> los efectos de mantener el contacto con Ud. Puede ejercitar sus 
> derechos de acceso, cancelación, rectificación y en su caso, oposición, 
> enviando un escrito al efecto, acompañado de una fotocopia de su 
> D.N.I., bien respondiendo a este correo electrónico, bien a la 
> siguiente dirección: C/Cuenca, nº41- pta. 14. 46008-Valencia.

[2] tel:+34619832611

Received on Wednesday, 24 April 2024 07:36:52 UTC