Schema's crawling mismatch

Good morning dear community,

I have found some mismatches between what Google crawls and what Schema 
crawls in its validator, which this is the same result as in Rich 
Results Test.

It's about Product List Pages in ecommerce sites with ItemList and the 
number of itemListElement crawled.

Both, Schema's validator and Google's Rich Results Test, they find 10 in 
10 products as itemListElement even if there are 12 or 18.

I continue with the case of a listing of 12 products per page.

At first I thought that I lost the ones corresponding to 11th and 12th 
product, but my surprise was that when validating the /page/2/, the 
structured data validators see on page 2, 11 and 12, up to the twentieth 
(20th) product.

For a moment I thought this was the same as what Google crawls and saw, 
until I go to 'View crawled page' (crawled content with Javascript 
execution) and I see that Google's crawling and indexing yes it sees 
11th and 12th.

So there is a mismatch between both, Schema's and Gogole's, crawlers: 
schema sees one thing, Google sees another.

The problem is not about crawling and indexing by itself (both crawlers 
see all), a mismatch is being created that looks like this a Cloaking 
problem, like a 'light' cloaking problem.

If I've 48 products linked to this Product List Page (PLP) 12 by 12, on 
/page/3/, for example, Google crawls 25th product to 36th, and Schema 
21th to 30th, both crawls are different in content.

Every body can check it by himself on their client's ecommerce sites, I 
share my screenshots:

1) My validated ItemList counts only up to 10th itemListElement:

2) 11th product shown on PLP 1...

3) Appears on /page/2/ for Schema's validator:

4) Finally, as I tweeted about this to dear John Mueller and he 
answered me about indexing, I checked View crawled page, and I confirm 
myself that Google yes it crawls what I show, 12 products:

So, mismatch confirmed.

More proofs, Rich Results Test, only up to 10th:

I think this is an interesting topic to share with this excellent 
community of passionate professionals.

With Love & Respect,

Álvaro Pichó Torres

Consultor SEO [1]

619 832 611 [2]


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Received on Wednesday, 24 April 2024 05:45:42 UTC