Re: Add or not on all pages

Thank you for the feedback. That makes a lot of sense. I wasn't aware of
the linking feature but that removes a lot of lines for sure.

Just to make sure I understand. On the main page (/) would the organization
be the root element? I was under the impression that the type Website
should be the root element. And then the organization as a sub-element.

On Wed, Oct 18, 2023 at 10:35 AM Álvaro Pichó <> wrote:

> Yes Thomas, you only need to add every Schema to the appropriate url.
> Repeat Organization type on every URL is not necessary and beneficious.
> Best practices says, to create Organization type on home page, also write
> a description on home page.
> You can add on evey post: Publisher property to refer to the Organization
> "publisher":{"@id":""},
> You also need to create an ID to refere it:
> {
> "@type":"Organization",
> "name": "",
> "@id":"",
> When you creat the ID (on Home page), then refer to it on every Article or
> post:
> "publisher":{"@id":""},
> I think this onlye solves some issues Thomas, but is a beginning
> Álvaro Pichó Torres
> *Consultor SEO*
> 619 832 611 <+34619832611>
> <>
> NOTA IMPORTANTE: Le informamos que este mensaje está dirigido a las
> personas indicadas en el encabezamiento y que puede contener información
> confidencial. Si Ud. lo ha recibido por error le rogamos nos avise
> inmediatamente y destruya este mensaje. En ningún caso deberá copiar,
> distribuir o tomar iniciativa alguna en relación con su contenido. En
> cumplimiento de lo previsto en la Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre
> de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal, le comunicamos su e-mail junto
> con los datos que nos facilite y nos haya facilitado, constan en un fichero
> titularidad de Álvaro Pichó Torres a los efectos de mantener el contacto
> con Ud. Puede ejercitar sus derechos de acceso, cancelación, rectificación
> y en su caso, oposición, enviando un escrito al efecto, acompañado de una
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> la siguiente dirección: C/Cuenca, nº41- pta. 14. 46008-Valencia.
> El 18/10/2023 09:23, Thomas Ardal escribió:
> I'm familiar with and already added it to some pages on my
> website like the FAQ page. In addition, the blogging platform I use (Ghost)
> automatically adds ld+json to all of the posts and pages. I'm a bit unsure
> about if I should add ld+json to all of my pages on the main website. All
> pages already include proper metadata, Twitter card, and open-graph markup.
> But will there be any other benefits of also adding ld+json? The HTML
> header is already plastered with metadata, so it feels a bit like repeating
> the same data over and over again.
> Any feedback on the potential code to add will be appreciated as well.
> Here's my current draft, which will vary for each page, of course:
> {
>     "@context": "",
>     "@type": "WebSite",
>     "publisher": {
>         "@type": "Organization",
>         "name": "",
>         "url": "",
>         "logo": {
>             "@type": "ImageObject",
>             "url": "",
>             "width": 192,
>             "height": 192
>         }
>     },
>     "name": "",
>     "url": "",
>     "description": "Cloud logging for .NET web applications using ELMAH.
> Find bugs before you go live. Powerful search, API, apps for Slack, Teams,
> GitHub &amp; Visual Studio",
>     "mainEntityOfPage": "",
>     "image": {
>         "@type": "ImageObject",
>         "url": "",
>         "width": 192,
>         "height": 192
>     }
> }

Received on Wednesday, 18 October 2023 08:39:02 UTC