Re: Add or not on all pages

Yes Thomas, you only need to add every Schema to the appropriate url.

Repeat Organization type on every URL is not necessary and beneficious.

Best practices says, to create Organization type on home page, also 
write a description on home page.

You can add on evey post: Publisher property to refer to the 


You also need to create an ID to refere it:

"name": " [2]",

When you creat the ID (on Home page), then refer to it on every Article 
or post:


I think this onlye solves some issues Thomas, but is a beginning

Álvaro Pichó Torres

Consultor SEO [3]

619 832 611 [4]


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El 18/10/2023 09:23, Thomas Ardal escribió:

> I'm familiar with [1] and already added it to some pages on 
> my website like the FAQ page. In addition, the blogging platform I use 
> (Ghost) automatically adds ld+json to all of the posts and pages. I'm a 
> bit unsure about if I should add ld+json to all of my pages on the main 
> website. All pages already include proper metadata, Twitter card, and 
> open-graph markup. But will there be any other benefits of also adding 
> ld+json? The HTML header is already plastered with metadata, so it 
> feels a bit like repeating the same data over and over again.
> Any feedback on the potential code to add will be appreciated as well. 
> Here's my current draft, which will vary for each page, of course:
> {
> "@context": "",
> "@type": "WebSite",
> "publisher": {
> "@type": "Organization",
> "name": " [2]",
> "url": "",
> "logo": {
> "@type": "ImageObject",
> "url": "",
> "width": 192,
> "height": 192
> }
> },
> "name": " [2]",
> "url": "",
> "description": "Cloud logging for .NET web applications using ELMAH. 
> Find bugs before you go live. Powerful search, API, apps for Slack, 
> Teams, GitHub & Visual Studio",
> "mainEntityOfPage": "",
> "image": {
> "@type": "ImageObject",
> "url": "",
> "width": 192,
> "height": 192
> }
> }

[4] tel:+34619832611

Received on Wednesday, 18 October 2023 08:35:28 UTC