Proposal For pingback.json Standard

Hello. I have fooled around with an interesting concept for a ping/pingback
JSON standard I simply call pingback.json

pingback.json would help ping search engines and to remind the pingback
servers to pingback a website as often as possible.


"@pingback": "",
"@ping": "https://pingback-server",
"SiteTitle": "Your Site Title",
"ExamplePing": "",
"ExamplePingback": "",
"ExampleSiteTitle": " -"

Note: I currently don't know how to comment in JSON format, so I wrote
ExamplePing, ExamplePingback and ExampleSiteTitle as comment-scheme
indistinguishable from the rest of the schema.
- - - - - -
Joseph D. Smith

Received on Friday, 8 April 2022 12:18:50 UTC